I can see my house from here!

Monday, April 03, 2006

And so it begins...

But not really.
This is my umpteenth attempt at starting a blog. Much like a goldfish, getting a blog going isn't the problem. The trouble comes in keeping the damn thing alive. It's fair to say my blog history is one of multiple flushings down the great toilet of deceased words.
Ugh...what a fucking strained metaphor that was.
I'll try to do better next time.

You might notice the distinct lack of...stuff...here. Frankly, I'm not sure what to add to this thing. So, if you have any suggestions of what you might want to see here...or what you want to know about me...or what you don't want to know about me, feel free to let me know. Yes, I know I'm opening myself up to substantial abuse with that, but, what the hey. It's a work in progress. Might as well get the viewing public involved.



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